Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Version 5
Division of Computer Science
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
William Yaksick
Richard F. Walters
December, 1986
(updated March 1989)
(version 5.2 )
(marked '***')
With the release of Version 5.0 of UCD MicroMUMPS, documentation
will refer only to the current versions running under MSDOS. Pre-
vious versions of MicroMUMPS written for CP/M and CP/M86 have
been discontinued and are available only under special order. The
current version should run equally well under MSDOS and PCDOS,
vesions 2.0 and later.
Materials Included
MUMPS.EXE The Object code for running MUMPS. The version number
will appear on the disk label as well as in an opening mes-
sage when MUMPS is executed.
SETGLOB.EXE An assembly language program used to initialize glo-
bal data space on disk. (Default name: GLOBALS.DAT) ***
SETMUMPS.EXE An assembly language program used to reconfigure
your MUMPS system.
SETROUT.EXE An asembly language program used to set up the rou-
tine directory file (default name: ROUTINES.RTN). ***
GLOBALS.DAT An initial globals data file created by SETGLOB. This
file is for demonstration purposes only, since it is rela-
tively small in size and could not hold large global data
files. Please note that under no circumstances will File ***
Manager run using this globals file. ***
ROUTINES.RTN The file that contains all MUMPS routines distribut- ***
ed with this release. The distribution disk includes a
number of utility programs and some application or demons-
tration routines available at distribution time. Abstracts
defining these routines are included in the distribution
package. The specific routines may vary from time to time.
ERRORS.DAT The error message file used to provide decoding of
specific errors encountered when running MUMPS. Note that
the MUMPS system can run without this file, giving the error
message numbers only rather than the complete message. A
listing of Error Messages is found at the end of the Users
Manual. SETMUMPS is used to initialize the drive on which
ERRORS.DAT is located. Once defined, it cannot be changed
during a single MUMPS session.
USER'S MANUAL A manual describing MicroMUMPS features and
language extensions and giving some suggestions for ways in
which this version of MUMPS can be most effectively util-
UTILITY/PERCENTM MANUALS These documents describe the routines
included on the distribution disk.
TEST/VALIDATION DIALOG The final attachment is a dialog illus-
trating an actual session in MUMPS. It can be used to verify
that the program runs as it should. It also serves as an in-
troduction to the MUMPS language, since most language
features are demonstrated in the dialog.
- 1 -
System Requirements for MicroMUMPS
CPU Chip: Either 8086, 8088, or the compatible 80186, 80286, or
80386 processors. If your system contains an 8087 processor,
it will automatically be detected and utilized by Mi-
Operating System: For PCDOS, we recommend version 3.0 or more re-
cent, and MSDOS, version 3.1 or more recent. Some features
of MUMPS, including screen cursor addressing, will not func-
tion under earlier releases.
Memory: At least 128K of memory. Starting with Version 5.0, Mi-
croMUMPS will utilize all memory above the first 128K bytes
for routine buffering. It is also possible to use CONFIG.SYS
to enlarge the number of buffers used by MSDOS (external to
MicroMUMPS), and this may improve performance of globals,
although we have not yet experimented with this alternative.
Disks: At least one 360 KB disk, IBM PC 9-sector format. Two disks
preferred. Double-sided disks will be sent unless otherwise
specified (see order form). A hard disk drive is desirable
for large applications.
The file containing global data (GLOBALS.DAT) is a B-Tree file
that contains non-printing, non-ASCII characters. It cannot be
printed using standard MSDOS print commands.
MUMPS routines are stored in the file with the [default] name
ROUTINES.RTN. This file contains a B-Tree directory and cannot be ***
printed using standard MSDOS commands. Special functions for
loading and saving ASCII files into and out of this file are
described later in the manual.
Instructions for Installation
1. Before using MicroMUMPS, it is wise to make a backup copy of
the distribution disk or disks. The disk may be copied using ei-
ther the DISKCOPY program provided with MSDOS or the COPY com-
mand. To use DISKCOPY, refer to your MSDOS manual. To use COPY,
assume the source disk is in A, the destination disk in B. Type
COPY A:*.* B:/V
2. Your distribution disk comes with a small GLOBALS.DAT file al-
ready created. You will, however, need to generate a larger global
file by running SETGLOB, specifying the disk you wish the new
globals file to be installed on (there can be no file named
identically to the globals file you are creating on that disk prior ***
to running SETGLOB), and the size in Kbytes of the file you desire
to create. The Utilities Manual describes and illustrates this process.
3. Your distribution disk comes with a ROUTINES.RTN file already ***
created. If you wish to create new files for other groups of routines,
you may run the program SETROUT to make such a file. Instructions
for running SETROUT are found in the Utilities Manual. You do not
need to run this program unless you wish to create a complete new
file for storing routines. You may use the ZFETCH command to get
MUMPS routines stored in earlier *.MMP format, as described in the
User Manual. ZFETCH will overwrite any routine of the same name
already present in the routines library. Refer to the VIEW command
in the User Manual to obtain a listing of current routines.
- 2 -
4. Using a backup disk created in Step 1 above in A: type MUMPS, ***
thereby going into the MUMPS interpreter. When a prompt character
``>'' appears, you may begin to enter MUMPS commands.
5. Following the sequence illustrated in the accompanying Valida-
tion Dialog listing, type in the underlined commands, and check
that the responses you receive are similar to those in the list-
6. If you wish to reconfigure the system, it is recommended that
you run SETMUMPS on a separate copy of the MUMPS.EXE file, re-
taining the original configuration on your backup disk. Follow
the instructions given in the Utilities section of this documen-
7. If you encounter problems with this installation process, get
a printout describing the difficulties and mail the printout to
the Division of Computer Science, UC Davis, Davis, CA 95616.
Although we cannot provide complete support, we will help as we
are able to, including replacing a defective disk if necessary.
The PCDOS operating systems, versions 2.0 and more recent, permit
cursor control on the screen via some control characters. To use
this feature, however, it is necessary to follow instructions
given in chapter 13 of the DOS manual to configure your system
for this option. The most important requirement is that you must
have a file named CONFIG.SYS on the disk that you use to boot the
system, and this disk must contain the line DEVICE=ANSI.SYS. If
you already have CONFIG.SYS on your system disk, be sure that
this line is in the file. If you do not, follow the instructions
listed below:
^Z (control-Z) <return>
This set of instructions creates the necessary file. Then, when
you reboot the system, it is properly configured to permit you to
use control character sequences for cursor control and screen
oriented commands.
Once ANSI.SYS is included in the boot process, it is possible to
use a series of ASCII characters. These characters are described
in the DOS manual, table 13-9. In MUMPS, use the WRITE *nn form
of the WRITE command to accomplish these functions. A few exam-
ples are:
*27,*91,*50 *74 ;clear screen
*27,*91,*75 ;erase to end of line
*27,*91,*lin,*";",*col,"H" ;cursor posi- tion to lin and col
IBM PC Communication
This new version of MUMPS has incorporated the remote communica-
tions device as described in the documentation. There are a few
warnings to be aware of if it does not work as expected. There
are also some inconsistencies within MSDOS that cause problems
with the communications mode. We are continuing to work on these
problems, but we would appreciate written documentation describ-
ing known errors in use of this feature.
- 3 -
1. The interpreter is set up for communication for the IBM PC
and uses its locations for the internal handling of the remote
device. We have not tested all look-alikes, so depending on
their compatibility, slight hardware differences may cause
2. Communications is set up for COM1. If you want to use COM2
instead, you must redirect the output from COM1 to COM2 using
the MSDOS MODE command.
3. Presently, when using the PC as a "dumb terminal" from
within MUMPS (with control-G) communications are limited to
600 baud. When used as a terminal at 1200 baud, the first two
characters on each line are lost because the screen takes so
long to scroll. File transfers have been successfully done at
2400 baud using the TK* routines.
4. The IBM PC hardware expects some handshaking signals from
the communication part. If whatever device you're talking to
(modem, computer, etc.) doesn't raise data set ready (DSR, pin
6) and clear to send (CTS, pin 5) when it is sent data termi-
nal ready (DTR, pin 20) and request to send (RTS, pin 4), then
nothing will happen. You will have to fool the PC by connect-
ing pin 4 to 5 and also pin 6 to 20 on the connector that
fastens to the back of the PC from the remote device.
5. Occasionally, the fix in #4 above isn't always enough. If
the first thing you do is to check the status of the port, the
PC always thinks something is there even though there isn't.
Then the machine waits forever trying to read something that
isn't there. To solve this problem, after setting up the baud
rate, just copy a small file to the communications port before
going into MUMPS. This seems to work.
So, to use the communication features of MUMPS, first set up the
baud rate and communication characteristics with the MODE command
from DOS. To set up COM1 at 600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits,
and 1 stop bit type the following command:
A>MODE COM1:60,N,8,1<RET>
COM1: 600,n,8,1,-
For more information on the MODE command, see the DOS manual.
Next, to insure that the port is ready to talk (see item #5
above) copy a short file (SHORT.DAT in the example) to the com-
munications part (COM1 in the example).
1 File(s) copied
Now you are ready to enter MUMPS and use device 5, the remote
communications device, or control-G to use the PC as a terminal.
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